Jun 9Liked by Michael Buergermeister

Good to see you're back, Michael.

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What unmitigated horse shit !

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Why? Please provide your reasons (if they are reasonable!)… Curious to know what arguments (if any) you can actually bring…

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I am a Reform Jew. I resent being told by the Ultra Orthodox that I.am not a Jew. Why do.they feel.that they can judge me ,my family and friends ? Israel.is our homeland. I see today's progressive. who.have no.understanding of the importance of Jews having a homeland where they.can.live in peace. Blaming Jews or the US for the attacks on 7 October is as ridiculous as blaming the US for the 9-11 attacks. Any such claim is something one might hear from.Alex Jones.

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Dear Andrew,

Sorry, but I had to laugh at the “live in peace” part! Since when has Israel “lived in peace”? The Zionists have been causing war, misery, and strife in Palestine for over a century (please read: The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi)!

Do you really want Israelis to die in a needless, meaningless war, which is driven by greed for gas and oil? Why should they have to die? So that Bibi can stay Prime Minister? Why have ANY Israelis ever had to die? Why was the murderous project started in the first place? Was the control of the pipelines worth it? The utopian Zionist project, just like the National Socialist or Communist utopian projects, was ALWAYS based on illusions and lies. The last thing Zionism has done is delivered peace or safety for ONE SINGLE JEW!!!! On the contrary…

Without getting into a theological debate I can only say that according to my understanding of Judaism (and I am not that well-read in the matter), reform Judaism (which is followed by the vast majority of the “Jews” I know (many of whom DON’T even have Jewish mothers) is a modern heresy (dating from the 19th century), in much the same way that Scientology is a heresy in the eyes of practicing Catholics or Protestants. So, basically (I hate to destroy your illusions) you are (in my eyes at least) NOT a Jew.

Judaism is a religion. It is NOT a political ideology. Zionism is a political ideology and the vast majority of Zionists are Christians (many of whom happen to be anti-Semites). Zionism is clearly anti-Semitic (it tries to foster nationalism, turn Jews against God and make them commit evil deeds (such as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine)).

The key tenets of Judaism (according to my understanding) are: Love thy neighbour (DON’T COMMIT GENOCIDE, DON’T ETHNICALLY CLEANSE or otherwise act like an evil Nazi) and await the Messiah before Israel can be created. Are you the Messiah? Do you know who the Messiah is? Was Sabbatai Zevi the Messiah (as many Satanists who claim to be Jews believe).

It is also no coincidence that the vast majority of Jews murdered in the Holocaust were anti-Zionist Jews. One of the main reason why the powers that be supported Hitler and the Nazis, sabotaged the Jewish boycott against Germany in 1933 (which might well have otherwise succeeded), and paid the Nazis to murder Jews was because they were dead set on the creation of Israel. This is why many German Jews saw the Nazis as German Zionists (which is what they were).

It is late and I suggest you study (the basic principles of) PHYSICS (e.g. gravity) before examining the physical evidence for government involvement in 9/11. You obviously didn’t get much of an education and HAVE A LOT TO CATCH UP ON!!!! A good tip for your researches is to FOLLOW THE MONEY!! E.g. Why does the Hamas bank at Leumi? Another good place to start your research about 9/11 is Christopher Bollyn. Happy hunting! Go after ALL those facts that have (up to now) been woefully absent from your life!

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