Where is Greg Hallett. He disappeared a while ago and at some point I stopped looking. Has he been dispatched?

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No idea!

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Hitler, a British agent? Interesting thought. Mussolini was. He kept corresponding with Churchill throughout the war. Mussolini was ordered by Churchill to team up with Hitler. This he initially resented. Mussolini did not agree with Hitler's annexation (1938) of South-Tirol (part of Austria).

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Yes, Skorzeny later used Churchill's fan mail to Mussolini (up to 1944!) against him in getting Nazis freed from prison. It was Mussolini who protected Austria and once his protection was withdrawn Hitler was able to occupy the country. What people often forget is Ante Pavelić, who apparently kept Hitler company in Argentina (they both had similar woes!!!!) and who died in Madrid in 1959. There is no secret of the fact that the British kept him safe and shipped him off to South America. Why should the case of Hitler be fundamentally different? Apart from which: why were the Americans looking for Hitler after the war if they believed he'd killed himself? And why was his body never found? The answer seems obvious enough...

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