Letter to a German Friend in Korea
There has been merely a very cleverly conducted, very cleverly disguised PsyOp
Letters from Vienna #58
Dear I.,
I am glad to hear that the restrictions in your neck of the woods have been rolled back. Forgive my cynicism if I call the premises of your recent missive into question. There was no “corona crisis”; there was merely a very cleverly conducted, very cleverly disguised PsyOp. Yes, you are perfectly right: I had and continue to have no desire to be jabbed; I don’t like being experimented on. Not that the jab is truly an experiment: all the animals it was tested on died within two months. In human terms this means that the life expectancy of those who have received the jab is roughly two years. From what I gather: 5% of all those who got the jab have been directly killed, though nobody can know for sure. There is a debate about what exactly is in the jab and there are convincing arguments that there is a venom, akin to snake venom, in many of them.
I wouldn’t recommend that you either study what exactly is in the “vaccines” (which aren’t) or what happens to the blood after getting “vaccinated”. You might well get, like so many sportsmen and sportswomen these days, a heart attack! For the vast majority: it is simply better not to know. After all: what good does it do one if it is much too late?
I strongly suspect that I got Covid in January 2020, right at the start, and, when I went to a doctor, was told it was “just a virus”. When I went to get, on the advice of a friend, a blood test in the Spring of 2021, there was no sign of any antibodies. Either it wasn’t Covid, the tests were unreliable or the antibodies had already long gone. In any event I was annoyed at the waste of money involved. I’d rather have spent the cash on books, which is one of my few remaining weaknesses.
I read a lot and would recommend you do likewise. I fear that your problem, and this is shared by the vast majority, is that you don’t read enough! It is especially important to read works by writers who don’t bow to the official narrative, such as Ernst Wolff, Catherine Austin Fitts, Michel Chossudovsky, F. W. Engdahl, Michael Hudson, Whitney Webb and Dean Henderson. Another very good writer I would also strongly recommend is Paul Craig Roberts.
In the mean time I enjoy excellent health and hopefully will continue to do so. Indeed, I have rarely been happier in my entire life. I suspect that the “crisis” or, more exactly: the artificially created “crises”, have focused my energies, given me a renewed sense of purpose as well as a zest for life, which has rarely been stronger. I do enjoy myself!
The unconstitutional and illegal restrictions have, apart from everything else, forced me to focus on writing, which means I rarely go to a theatre, cinema, concert hall, museum or even a cafe these days. I read a lot, and write, which means that I lead a binary, simplified but by no means banal existence. Everything has been reduced and I no longer over-extend myself. And, at one and the same time, I live very much in the past, which is why I have posted a couple of photos to go along with this letter. I do have some dear memories and have had a wonderful life!
The main reason I used to suffer from poor health was not merely the toxic environment we are all forced to live in (all those chemtrails, all that EMF, all that GMO!!!) but the fact that I was a workaholic. I simply did too much! This has changed. I take better care of myself, eat better and relax more. And I am very happy in my writing, which is all I ever do these days; I rarely socialise!
In Vienna the illegal and unconstitutional “Covid measures”, which hardly differ from the measures the Nazis imposed on the Jews, are slowly being rolled back, although the Socialist mayor is kicking and screaming to retain them. This has made me extremely skeptical of all forms of “collectivism”. Indeed, I recently posted on social media the following: “One of the many casualties of the last two years has been “Collectivism” (It is your duty to wear a mask, die for Granny or the Ukraine or any other nonsense). As any self-respecting researcher will tell you: Marx was related to the Rothschilds. It was no accident that the British Government never persecuted him but rather nurtured and cared for him; he was controlled opposition. Likewise, “Fabianism” was sponsored by the banks. Thus, it should hardly surprise that Trotsky, who lived in considerable style in New York, and Lenin, who lived in Zurich, were financed by the Deep State to cause trouble in Russia. After decades of Communism the results were clear: poverty, mass exploitation and the enslavement of the masses. The “left” always was an artificial concept, an invention of the French Revolution, which was a “revolution from above” (as are most revolutions). What are needed are new concepts and new ways of viewing the world. What are not needed are dead ideologies.”
No, I haven’t read anything by Robert Antony Wilson or Robert Shea and have long tired of researching the “Illuminati”, who, to my mind are simply a name for the organised criminal network, which rules this planet of ours.
We are very obviously ruled by kleptocrats, Satanists and pedophiles who rape and murder children. There are not even that many of them at the very top, merely c.8,000. Yet their power is immense and the main means of projecting it are entities such as Vanguard and BlackRock, which own practically everything there is to be had.
In addition to that they project their power by means of the Bank of International Settlements, the central banks, the Jesuits, the Freemasons, organisations such as the WEF, the Bilderbergers etc., intelligence agencies such as the CIA, MI6 etc. as well as the Vatican, which lies at the heart of everything.
The “Illuminati”, in short, are hiding in plain sight and it doesn’t take too much research to find them. There are those who dig out the names of the individual families but I think this is of little interest. I have met not a few of their number in my lifetime and didn’t have the slightest clue of who I was actually talking to. Yet, one at least confessed, albeit indirectly, to his low opinion of himself, and that was a prince!
I have already sent you a link to my other letters (all 57 of them!!!), which give a fuller account of my views and thus, you must forgive the brevity of this missive.